Monday, March 1, 2010

Things that make us feel good.

OK so today well yesterday I went and got my hair chopped! I also got it styled. It looks really good. I am so glad I finaly found someone in Cincinnati that can cute my hair with out messing it up or making it look bad. I have also commited myself to going and getting it done once a week. Instead of buying fast food that is just going to make me fat I am going to take that same money and save it so that I can get my hair done, and look good, and feel good about myself. I know it wasting money in a way but the upside to it is, it is one thing I can do for myself that is small and I can feel good about it knowing that I am not getting fat off of doing it. It will be a great treat. I could fit in the chair too. That is a big thing. I talked to the Bishop on Sunday I am going to start going to an addiction group that the church has to help deal with some of what I am going through. So the hospital had no beds for Kourtnie so will try and take her tomorrow and hope that they have a bed for her. What are somethings that you can find to do for yourself to help boost your self assteam?


  1. I can't wait to see the new 'do! I love the idea of using money you would have been spending on food to do something that is good for your body (and mood!) instead. I hope the recovery group becomes a real strength to you.

  2. It is amazing what a new haircut, or a pedicure/manicure, new shirt/pants/skirt..etc, can make us feel. I am with Patty on it being a great idea to use the money you would use to eat out on something that makes you feel good about yourself. AS you become better and better at beating this addiction, I don't think you will need as many physical things to satify that emptiness. Think about how great you feel now, being 10 yrs out from drug addiction. How many people can say they have kicked that habit? Not too many I don't think. You are a strong woman and have overcome so much. This is just one more step in a journey. One you don't have to take alone. :)
