Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It all makes sence if we think about it. What Genes do you think you have that make you fat?

Kathy Teague February 28 at 1:12pm
Over the years I have eaten for all the reasons already mentioned. Any excuse would do. Even when I was fit and active. Many times I have hidden to eat so others wouldn't know how many donuts or pieces of pizza I really ate. I know some of it was emotional. Life has had some difficult times, some of my own doing, some not. But all that aside, a few years ago I made some discoveries that helped me forgive myself for what seemed like a character flaw of being undisciplined. I was diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. In learning about my sleep disorders I found that sleep is so intricately tied to appetite hormones, cravngs, and metabolism. Although my nighttime limb movements are resistent to treatment, treating the apnea remarkably reduced my food desires and increased my energy for activity. I had been symptomatic for apnea most of my life. It can be hereditary, a matter of structures within the throat or the jaw. I always thought apnea was an old fat man's problem - NOT! I still struggle with my weight and have other limiting health issues. Have lost 55 lbs since my peak but have plateaued lately. My latest breakthru in thinking has been in recognizing that unhealthy eating is self abuse, and feeding that food to my loved ones is as much abuse as poisoning them. Now that is sobering! Best wishes Taffy as you go forward and claim a better future for you and your family. OK this is from a fellow friend on face book. For some reason it would not let her post so I am posting it for her. When I read it, it got me thinking to something that my Dr. that did my sleep study said to me, it would be really intreasting to see if your weight is because of something heriditary. My grandma and others on my dads side are huge and were huge. What do others think? Do you think some of your weight issues have to do with your genes? I no that I do not sleep well and when I am up I want to eat, and then sleep all day. What about others?

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