Saturday, March 6, 2010

What was your weekend like?

So my mom and sister have been here this weekend and we have had a great weekend. My mom even said it looks like I have lost some weight since she was here back at Christmas. Now I thought I had gained it but she asked me was I getting any exercies? Well yes and know. I get and move more and more each day but I do not think I am getting what I need altogether. Today I did great. I walked and stood for a good hour. But by the time we got to Jungle Jims haha my knee and back were killing me and I had to a scooter thing to go through the store. It made me so made because I wanted to walk more. But would my good old knee and back allow me to full fill my dream of that today? Of course not. But the point is I did it I got up and moved my big butt around a lot today. It makes me feel good to get done what I did do today. Will be glad when I get all of this weight off of me so they can fix my knees and my back. Gosh I feel so old and like I am falling a part some days. Going to make a GF dinner tomorow before my mom and sister leave, it is chicken so it is healthy for me. I hope every one is having a good weekend and has done something for them selves. Please post some of what you did this weekend that was just for you? I think that well I know the more I am doing for just me the better I am feeling. Could be all of the meds I am on but I am going to look at as Heavenly Father watching over me and helping me by answering my prayers to him about this whole weight.


  1. I did something for my family this weekend that made me feel good about myself. I canned up all of our bulk food storage items. I feel more prepared and like I accomplished something.
    I feel you rpain of not being able to do all of the things you want to do because of pain. Surgery hasn't worked for me like I was hoping it would. I think it has created and caaused new issues with my back. I try to just ignore it and go on abotu normal life, but usually by the end of the day, I wish I were dead the pain gets so bad. But, I have noticed that since I have tried to not focus so much on the pain, I have felt better mentally. Pain is such a drain physically, emotionally and often times spiritually. Pains meds don't really work for me either. But I do take them at times to at least take the edge off.
    I know a lot of my back issues are because of my weight, but when I do try to exercise, I am in so much pain that I just usually give up after a week or so of struggling. Then I eat more and feel worse and worse about myself.
    So while I am in the same boat as you and haven't overcome it, do know that I am right there with you. Hopefully we will both find the strength and will power needed to be all that we can our husbands, kids AND ourselves.

  2. I'm bummed that I didn't get to meet your mom- I was looking forward to it! So glad she made it for a visit, though.
    Keep up the hard work with the exercise- remember that every little bit counts! When it hurts try to remember that the pain is actually working to get you closer to your goal of getting your knees and back fixed.
    My weekend was actually pretty good- lots of walking looking at sofas on saturday (still didn't find one in our price range, but it was fun looking!) and then finishing the repair on our basement wall and getting shelves and everything put back. Sunday was great- the testimonies were inspiring, I got to teach in RS and it was fast sunday so I fasted, which always help me get back on track with my appetite and controlling the eating. I would have done better if I hadn't had 4 brownies for dessert though. (oops!)
    Nothing that I did this weekend was really just for me, but I've found that the absolute best feeling comes from doing things for others so I don't think I've missed out!
