Monday, March 8, 2010

Bad habits what do we do to trade one for another?

So here it is Tuesday and yesterday I had to make a really hard choice. I had to submit papers for Kourtnie to go back to that gosh for saken school. I had no choice. Cincinnati Christian said that I had to pay a 250 non refundable admintance fee and she may not be accepted. Ya I have 250 just laying around to give to the school and if they do not take her then I am really up the creek with out the paddle. I got lots done tonight though for the YW action Friday and I am really looking forwerd to making you guys some home made enchalada's empanada, real spanish rice and I am think either flan or rice pudding and will be bringing home made mexican hot coco for all to try. My weekend was great with my mom and sister, and we got to spend lots of time togeather and it was a first for me and my mom. She had both of her girls there at one time to spend time with and do stuff with. We got Kourts room all redecorated in hopes it help her feel better about her self. Next trip down will be painting my room from baby poop green to something more nice. I got a new rough on today and let me tell you someone banging on your head at 7 am is not my idea of fun when I stayed up till 4. I could not sleep. Now here is why I could not sleep. So I am doing good with eating and walking but I be dang if I did not trade the bad food habits for bad spending habits. I felt that I was intitled to do some things for myself as I never do at all, and get some new things for me and the kids. Now I new the money was there so we could get something to do with the tires on the car but I spent it any way. I felt I deserved it at the time, for all the good work I have done. I was not thinking how is this going to affect every one else in the house, but rather what I was going to gain from it for myself. So I stayed up most of the night feeling gulity about what I had done. Now every one in the house is going to be short this month all bills paid though. It is like when I was getting clean from drugs I traded coke for food. Now what am I going to do trade food for spending? It is all a cycle. So the weather is warming up and I want to get out and really walk who is up for it? I am so ready to have some time with the girls and just be able to walk. I need to keep me busy other then in the house cleaning and not having the support of Taffany put the check book away and lets go walk instead or lets get some home work done or lets get some canning done. I really want to learn to do this. I walk slow so do not expect a speed walker I go at a slow pass as I never know when the knee is going to out on me. I need to stop sometimes just to rest but I really need to get out there and get busy for real. So what are some habits that you trade that are bad and the new habit is just as bad?


  1. I am bad for just laying/sitting around. I may eat fine all day and feel good about that, but do I exercise?? Nope!
    I do sometimes spend money, but have gotten better about that. I don't spend near as much as I used to. I stop and think before I buy something now. Or think, would I rather have this thing now?Or save in care the kids get sick or the car breaks or we want to do something fun as a family later? I have to ask myself if I REALLY NEED the item as well or is it going to just sit on the counter or on a shelf and never get used?
    This while life is one big battle. I some small and some little. When you are going through them though, they feel HUGE! It is good to treat yourself (and your kids) every once in a while. I treated myself yesterday and it felt good. (I went and got my nails done with a friend) I feel a little guilty for spending that money on something as silly as getting my nails done...but it IS okay do that every once in a while. So don't beat yourself up. Self hate generates other not so good things. It is one of Satan's biggest tools to use against us. Don't let him get the upper hand...ever!
    Keep walking, keep reaching out to others and keep that chin up. You are worth it. In my eyes and more importantly, your Heavenly Father's eyes. :)

  2. Sorry I always write a comment as big as your post! lol

  3. I'm really proud of you for the strides you're making with the food and exercise. I'm hoping the weather will start staying nice on a regular basis so I can get out and start walking- maybe we can get a group of women together and walk at Winton Woods or something?
    If the thing that you treated yourself to is making you feel so guilty that you can't even sleep, you might want to return whatever it is just to have that peace back again. (Knowing you're doing what's right for your family is worth so much more than a treat!) Be careful of Satan's sneaky ways: making you feel you "deserve" something tangible when what you really need is validation or emotional support.
    Keep up all your hard work and don't give up!! You were made to be strong and beautiful and perfect with God's help!

    PS- You're making me soooo hungry with thoughts of all that good food on Friday!! Can't wait to try some of it!

  4. It was getting my hair done and getting a new out fit that some things that I can do with the girls, Alex see's most of it as a wast. I know where we are with money I really do but there are just times when I feel like I want to be like other woman I no and just go to the craft store and buy things for myself to do with my girls. So that I can teache them in hopes that one day they will pass it on to their kids. Alex makes me fell the most guilty about it. He will tell me to go and get something to make me happy but then when I do it he gripes about it. I am at a no win here. Then after I do, do something for myself I am beating my self up cause that money could have bought one of the kids shoes or clothes. All of my bills were paid, but to him it was all just a wast of money. One day I guess I will be in a situation where I can be like my friends and just go to the store and buy some matrial to make a quilt, or I want to learn how to decorate cakes that is a dream though. Or wishfull thinking rather.
