Thursday, March 4, 2010

Eat to sleep?

OK so I got kicked out of threapy. Great just what I needed right now right? I could not go on Friday because I was dealing with Kourtnie and her mess at school, and totally forgot about threapy. So now I need to find some one new to listen to me gripe every week about how bad life is and why I eat the way I do, as well keep me on my meds so that I stay sane, not that I feel sane right now even with everything I take. I sat down and all of the meds I take just to get out of bed everyday are a meal in its self every night. Taking all of them who can eat after werds? The past week has been hunky dory and that is being nice right? I went off on one of Kourtnie's teachers and told her how I really feel about her in so many words. What I really wanted to tell her was lady stop smoking pixi dust and come back to us here on Earth, I did tell her that I was tired of her belittling me all the time. I also told her if she talkes to my child the way she talks to me then it is no wonder my child does not want to listen to her. Ha ha that got a I am sending this to the principle and do you all think that he called back? Nope he has not called or emailed me back about any of this. Now I have to come up with 250.00 by Monday to get Kourtnie enrolled into a different school, and it is non refundable and she will have to be excepted. HMM wonder if they will want her after all that she has done this year. A hole in the wall here at home not listing to her teachers and making my car into car rempke. As I am told that is where every thing is going to is my car she forgets everything there. There is something positive though the sun was shining today! I was so happy when I got out of bed I went for a short walk down the hill and back as there is still snow on the sidewalks around here cause people do not shovle their walks like we do back home no one here seems to have the curtisy do this except us on our little strech of Clovernook ave. I came back in and I cleaned my kitchen, my living room and got most of my room done all of the laundry for this week, and Kalebs room is clean. Went and visited my neighbor across the street for a little while and baked my butt off tonight hence why I am still awake and have not went to bed yet. I did get some home work done but I am stuck with idea's for my final projects in both classes. That is a whole nother blog in its self. But I do have to say for the most part even with all of this stress I have done good with not over eating, now I am not going to say I have ate at the right times because I have not. It is one habbit that is so hard to break. Eating so I can go to sleep. How many of you do this? This is like the liquar you drink and get drunk and pass out. With food you eat you eat some more and then it is you have ate so much that you fall asleep. Same concept just a different drug. What are ways that we can come up to stop doing such things?


  1. It seems wrong that someone can be kicked out of therapy.

  2. LOL center point will do it. I did not give a 24 hour notice that I was not going to be there. Oppsss had no clue my child was going to have a melt down that morning. I guess I was supposed to say Kourtnie shut up hold on for one hour I will be back then you can finish.


    Your friend has been trying to get your attention with this. ((((Taffany)))

  4. One thing I try is to brush my teeth. If I have already brushed my teeth for the night, I don't want to eat and have to do it again. It doesn't always work, but usually does. Or I just talk to myself and say "this is why you are the way you are, you don't need to eat that..go read a book or something to get your mind off of eating" Again, sometimes it works and sometimes I just don't care and eat anyways.
