Sunday, March 21, 2010

Keeping focuse

So much so much to tell and oh I just have put it all off. This last week has been so crazy. 2 dress rehersals, 3 actual performances and I have lost some weight cause the costum that was made for me is too big from when she first messuraed me. Now it could just be too that my fat is shifting around. But I am hoping it is cause I am loosing as a few of my capri's that were tight this fall are fighting a little looser again. I was in a car acident last night not my fault and go figure they ran and before I could get out of the car the person had already taken off. More motivation to loose weight I guess. Kaleb is exicted he made it to regionals for Bible quizing and Katie is pissed cause she worked hard not as hard as last year and she did not make it this year. I told her it was OK she would do better next year. Ha ha tell that to a perfectionist. She looked at me like my head was backwerds. I am taking all of the walking up and down stairs at the play this last week as exercies. No I have not been walking, but at least I am moving. I was going to go out of town for spring break with the kids but since Kaleb made it to regional I will have to save the money so we can go up to Mt. Vernon in May. I can tell my meds have wore off I am wanting to sleep more and more and I am loosing energy fast. Have no clue what I am going to do to get back on meds or with the way Medicade is working if they will even pay for them. I am loosing meds left and right cause I can not pay for them and Medicaide will not pay for them. Ha ha I guess when I am in the hospital and they are paying higher bills with that then they will maybe start paying for some of them again. I need to find an outlit to focus on so that I can keep energy up and not just give up. Although that is where I am at now, just give up. It is getting harder and harder to just deal with normal things. I do not even say stuff to the kids no more when they are acting out. What is the point they listen as well as the wall does. What are some outlits you all use to keep focused?

1 comment:

  1. I try to focus on where I've been that I don't want to go back to (when I was heavier) and also remember how I've felt when I've been lighter/smaller and how much I liked it (not like I've been much smaller than I am now in a loooong time!!)
    I also also try to focus on the fact that exercise will actually give me more energy throughout the day even though it feels like it takes more at first. Some days I'm so tired and don't want to move but when I do I always feel better.
    Have you tried sitting your kids down and having them help make up the house/family rules and the punishments that would be fair? Sometimes involving them in deciding what is acceptable can help them be motivated because they're following rules they helped make. I'm not saying they should have final say in all of them or that they should get away with making ridiculous rules but if they feel like they have input it might make them more willing.
    Kids are not easy. But as with all of our greatest challenges, they can also be our greatest blessings.
    Good luck and don't give up!!
