Saturday, February 27, 2010

What can we do to make our selves feel good?

So not much is different today then it was yesterday. I am greatful today is Sunday and I can have a day of relaxation. Or so it is supposed to be. I have so much to do and so little time to do it in. Helped Kourtnie get most of her home work done and going to not do a paper today so that I can help her get the rest of what she behind with done. My mom was not able to make it down here like she was supposed to so I am going to take her over to the hospital tomorrow on my own. Hopefully I can get an appointment with the Bishop as well so that I can get some of this stuff out there and check one more thing off of my list on this path to recovery. Have any of you watched the show Ruby? It is great. She weighed 750 lbs and is loosing weight and yet she goes down the same paths that I go down. Reading stuff from her and watching her show makes me think sometimes and say to myself oh my gosh that is so me, been there Ruby done that Ruby, Is it not funny how when we sit down as woman and really think about it we have so much more in common then what we think we all do. We all go through the same things just in different ways. What are some things that we as woman go through do you guys think that are all same just in different ways? I know struggling with food is one thing we all have in common. God is another thing we all have in common, our kids and some of the struggles we go through with them. But what are some personal things that just affect us as woman. I know one thing for me is execpting me for me and not caring what others think. Getting out of bed and making it through the day is a big thing for me. I had a some one tell me once just get up and get your but in here and walk around the water if you have too, you will be surprised at how much better you will start to feel because you are doing something for your self. I really think she is right. I think that we do so much for others that we for get that small things like exercising is not just good for us physically but mentally as well. I never really looked at it that until she brought it up to me like that.

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