Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What makes us eat, and get moving?

So today I think was better then yesterday when it comes to food. For breakfast I had a egg with cheese, and for lunch I had a lean cuzine that was meatloaf and potatoes. For dinner Kourtnie is making raveollies. I am going to have a bowl of them but have not messuared it out yet as I have not had a chance to sit down and eat dinner yet. So let me ask this to all. What makes you eat? Is it stress? Boardum? I do it for both reasons. Food is a comfort for me. When I am stressed out or mad I turn to food to comfort me. When I am in pain and do not want to feel the pain any more I eat. I feel pain now when I eat because just a little bit of food makes me full quickly still even though my surgry was revised they can not give me back my old stomach I still have a little pouch that only holds 4 oz at a time. I did walk a little today, just not what I wanted. Where or where is the motavation I need to just get up and walk. To just get up and move. I feel sometimes the medicine does not work it makes me feel worse that I have to take medicine just to get out of bed in the morning. I hate that. I just want to be normal, get up and move around clean my house and be a normal person like other mom's. So tell me what makes you eat and what gives you motavation to just get up and move?


  1. I wish I knew. I'm so lost right now. Getting ready to go back on zoloft. Once I get the depression under control I can find a counselor and hopefully find a way to stop using food as a coping mechanism.

  2. That is the thing with me Sarah I get even more depressed knowing that I have to take all of those medicines just to have a functional day. Or at least what I think is a functional day. Appartently that is not working so now time to try some thing else. I was told that a pill can only do so much the rest is up to us to fix. The pill will only do so much at making us feel better. Now I just have to figure out how to make the rest of me feel better. Do you ever get tired of taking pills?

  3. I eat when I'm sad, bored, happy, or anything else. (Basically I just want something in my mouth all day long.) I think the only reason I don't weigh more is because I'm dedicated to exercising 4-5 days a week for 45-50 minutes each time (as well as trying to get up and stay active throughout the day.)
    I don't think there's anything external that really can motivate us. It has to come from within. I've found that when I'm really feeling depressed and lethargic if I pray and ask God for strength and energy He usually gives me some. But He also expects me to get off my butt and do something. Most days I have to push myself to exercise (it's not something I do for pleasure!!) but I know it helps push away the depression as well as keeping my blood pressure, cholesterol and everything else in check.
    Keep up the good work!! And don't quit trying!

  4. I am pretty good at staying away from the food all day. It is I when my hubby gets home and NEEDS something sweet that I usually fall apart. Or maybe I am so hungry from not eating enough during the day maybe?!?
    But, I also LOVE to eat out. To me it feels like being pampered. I get to eat and it's something i didn't have to cook! I know that is a big source of my problem. =\

  5. I get really sad each time I have to go back on the meds. I usually go off them when I am pregnant and I do really well when I'm pregnant, I'm really happy and I eat good because of the gestational diabetes. So each time, I think this is it! I'm done with the meds! But it always comes back. I think that even though I know it's an illness it's hard to get away from the feeling that it is a failing on my part. The way I feel right now, I just can't wait for the meds to kick in, I just want to feel better.

  6. I so no how you feel. I could never go off my meds when I was pregnat. Now I blame myself for the things wrong with my kids. What if me taking my meds has made them the way they are. But at the same time I know if I had not taken my meds I would have not made it through each time I was pregnat. But there still is that big guilt trip there. If I had not taken the meds would my kids melt down the way they do? Would Kaleb be normal and have a form of Autisim? Would Kourtnie be normal and have ADHD or the other things that are going on with her now? These are all things I ask myself everytime I see one of my kids melt down or have a fit. I can always play the what if game. I did well with my weight with Kourtnie, Katie and Rocsheda. Mostly because I was so sick with all of them and Kaleb I gained a lot of weight but it was all gone with in 2 weeks he was a 10 pounder it was all water with him. But I did not gain fat weight, with any of my kids cept Kourtnie and I went from 140 to 180 so 40 lbs is all I gained with her but 40 is a lot when you are barly above 5 feet tall.
