Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Better in some ways worse in others

So today was a really rough day. It started at 5 am and let me tell I now have a much bigger and better respect for my friends that get up that early and some even earler then that to get their kids to siminary and I am thinking that I may just let Kourtnie get her licences when she is 16 just so I do not have to get up that early! Ha ha call it lazy if you want but that I am in the mornings. I did not sleep much last night as I was in a lot of pain and my mind just could not stop racing. So where did that leave me today? Tired and wore out. I did make a goal today though and that was to walk. It was not far but I walked about half a block and I brought in all the grocies on my own and got the pantry cleaned up and reorginized. So that was an acoplishment for me. I have been saying I was going to do it for the past few weeks and I just have not had the motavation to just get up and do it. Kaleb had his blue and gold dinner tonight and had a blast. He got to hold one of the flags for the flag cerimony. He was really happy he got to it. I am so glad he is starting to come out of his shell and make some friends at church. So for food today I had a spanish omlet and a piece of ham. For dinner I had a piece of fried chicken, potatoes, 2 rolls, some cole slaw, a half a cup of root beer, 4 apple slices, some baked beans, and a few bits of mac and cheese. My eyes were bigger then my stomach though and I did not finish my plate, I had about 3 bites off a piece of cake as well and I made cookies last night so I had 4 sinckerdoodles. To drink I have had 4 cups of tea today. So while I did get out and exerices my eating was not such a good day. I had a meeting this morning with Kourtnies teachers and the intervention team at her school. She is doing worse there then what I thought. I was also told that she is talking to boys that are older then she is. I am scared to death. I do not want her to make the same mistakes as me. I love my kids do not get me wrong but I sure wish I would have waited to have them all instead of struggling the way I do. So that is it in a nut shell. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day with food, and exercies. I hope that all of you have had a great day with food and exercising and that you meet your goals for the day. I think Patty said it well, just pray and Heavenly Father will get you through but he does expect you to do your part as well.


  1. Great job on the exercising! Housework counts as well. Just moving around instead of sitting on the couch or laying around counts in my book. But, of course I spent the good part of last year in bed, so any moving on my part, feels huge lol.
    Keep your chin up about the food. It is one meal at a time. I know if you are like me, if I screw one meal up, I usually let it screw up the rest of the day/week/ get the picture.
    Keep up the great work Taffany!

  2. Good for you for walking! I know how hard it is to take those first steps and get up and moving. It's somewhat ironic that we often have to get started on something before the motivation actually kicks in. Sigh. Some days I really wish that I got up and felt like "yippee... I get to go exercise now!" (That's a RARE day!!)
    Remember that the Lord promises great blessings for keeping the word of wisdom... so if you can cut out the tea He will bless you with even more help in this struggle. (Re-read D&C 89...paying close attention to what the Lord is saying. We usually skim over it because it's familiar and we think that not smoking and not drinking coffee, tea and alchohol are all that are listed, but it's amazing that it actually tells us what to eat and do also. And I think it's great that it actually says that it's adapted to the weak and weakest of the Saints... of which I definitely count myself when it comes to food!!)
    Keep up the good work and don't give up!
