Monday, February 22, 2010

The begining of the new me and hopefully you

OK so my home work this week in therapy was to start a blog. This is going to be a place where I can start to be accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise. That has been a really hard thing for me, but I can see myself going back to that old me and I swore that after I had my gastric-bypass that I would never get to be that big again. I am now up to 320 lbs and that is scaring me. So this will be a place where rather you are fat or not fat you can be accountable for what you eat and what you do with food. Food is a really bad addiction. The messed up part about is that unlike drugs, or other addictions food is something that we need every day to survive in life. So I need to eat so that I can live but when I eat, it is killing me. I watch others eat and never gain weight and I can not say that it does not bother me. I really want to be that mom that can go on rides at the amusement park with her kids. Ha ha that seems like it will never happen. So here it goes today I have at 2 breakfast burritos from McDonald's, and a yogurt parfait, that was breakfast with a med. coke heavy ice. For lunch I had a half of a fish sandwich from Frishers, and some Ice tea. For dinner I had some chicken wings, and dumplings, some apple slices and a lot more tea. Way to much food for me considering I have not moved around a lot other then a walk through Kroger's and from the car to co-op and some around the classroom, and even that was not a lot. Goal for tomorrow will be to eat only 1200 calories, and walk for 10 min. straight even if it is just up and down the drive way. I really can not wait for it to get warmer I would love for my friends to help me start a walking club where we can walk around Winton Woods Park. So that is my first post. I did it. I hope that others will find this to be a place where they can also just poor it out and I am hoping that it will help me to be more accountable. I want people to call me on things if I do not blog every thing that I ate for the say and you seen me eating something I should not have been eating or I did not write about call me on it. Call me on it when you see I am not walking or getting some kind of exercise.


  1. Hey Taffany! I am excited to be your first comment! WOOOT! lol
    This is a great way (if you use to it) to be accountable. I did this for a while on my blog, but quit. =(
    I need to get serious again about losing weight as well, but I just lack the motivation. It IS the hardest thing. I am with you on the live to eat instead of the eat to live thing. I would love to walk with you. My pace is pretty slow right now, but any walking would be good for me right now. Let me know when you want to walk. I LOVE walking there!!

  2. I think it's brave of you to use this blog for accountability. It often does help to keep track of what you're eating (gives us a reality check.)
    I have two bits of advice:
    1) Stay away from any and all fast food places, and most restaurants. Their foods are high calorie, low nutrition, filled with addictive additives and will cost you more financially and health-wise.
    2) Read labels and nutrition info on EVERYTHING you eat. Especially when you do decide to eat out... read before you eat!! You'd be amazed at just how many calories are in some of that stuff! (Applebee's has a new 550 calorie menu that's good.)
    I agree that food addiction is the hardest to overcome... I've even quit smoking and that's not nearly as hard as taming a food addiction. I've found that avoiding processed foods and especially sugar helps me have more control over what I eat.
    Good luck!

  3. I'm with Patty, this is WAY harder than quitting smoking. I might be interested in walking depending on the schedule.
