Thursday, September 9, 2010

Life at times can be so funny and at other times can be so sad. For a long time I choose to let things get me down and to dewll on them. I had to stop step back and take a look at where I was going and if I was making progress in making myself a better person. I had to stop and think about every thing friends had told me and take those things in to propestive. I sat back and I seen how much happiness they had in their lives and how negative mine was. I wanted to be like them so bad, happy family, happy with myself, but how was I going to get there if all I could see was the bad things that kept happining in my life. I could never see the good. Then one day I woke up and said today is going to be the day that I see no more bad in this world but see the good that Heavenly Father is putting in front of me. I said I would no longer post negative things and if that meant a 3 word post then so be it. But I have found that even though some days I want to fall back in those old habits, like the other day a friend said you never smile. I said what do I have to smile for? He said ever time I see you, you are never smiling smile because you are alive. That really hit me. I had never really thought of that. Heck I am alive because Heavenly Father has been so gracious as to allow me to be here on this earth this long. I now smile every day when I wake up and thank him for one more day that I have here.
It is coming up on my Rocsheda's birthday she would have been 12 this year. My big girl, I think back to when she was alive. I was so happy even though my baby was sick she had a smile on her face every day and would never cry. I had to think what an inspiration she was to me then and how much of an inspiration she can be to me today. Even though she is not her physically she is still here in my hart. I can use her memory as a tool to help me smile every day, in the midst's of all of the craziness that goes on around me.
What are the things that make you smile every day? When you feel down what memories do you have of some one special like my Rocsheda? We all have so much to be thankful for and to smile for so when you feel like frowning just turn it up side down and make it a smile.

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed that when I start feeling depressed and looking at everything negatively, that it usually means that I'm focusing on things I want or don't have, instead of all the blessings right in front of me.
    I try to make it a habit to wake up each morning and thank Heavenly Father for everything I can think of: for waking up and having another day on earth, for family, friends, people who help me, for the beauty that surrounds me, for having a home and food, for conveniences like running water, electricity and washing machines, etc.
    The list could go on and on if I'm just paying attention and really looking for all the good around me. That usually helps me start my day with a smile.
    When I'm feeling down and need a lift I often sit down and my favorite cat will hop on my lap and cuddle with me, which makes me smile. I also think of everyone who has ever helped me and made me who I am today.
