Saturday, July 31, 2010

What are you greatful in life?

OK this week has not been so great but the bright side to it is this, I have learned that I really need to slow down and I seen just how much I was going and wearing my self down with no stopping and looking out for my self. Now I could say that I had a crappy week but rather it was a great week, yes I could have died but I am alive and so are my kids and that is what is important. I also learned that I really do need to be in the Church and not just when I feel like it, but every Sunday. I learned that even though at times I felt like Heavenly Father was not there with me he really is here with me at all times. I am grateful for him, and all that he does for me and provides for me. I am sorry that I have to learn it this way, but the great thing is that I learned it. So this is a short post but a very happy one and a very grateful one. What are things that you are grateful for?


  1. I love how you're coming to see the good that's in your life, and that you're recognizing that God really is always there with you.
    I'm grateful for the gospel, scriptures that are available any time, a living prophet who gives us counsel from God, the opportunity to go to church each Sunday, good people who are an example to me of selflessness and love, my family, good friends, the ability to see, hear, walk, talk, etc., sunshine, the beauty of this area and being able to live here, for having the basics of life: a home, food, and love.
    I could keep going on an on!! God is so good to us. If we have the basics and even one thing more on top of it we should consider ourselves very blessed!

  2. PS- I love your new background!!
